The one to kickstart classroom management for upper elementary

Eeeekkk! It’s finally ready! I’ve been racking my brains for the best way to help out teachers prep for the new school year, and this is what slowly came together. Check it out! ????

Classroom Management Email Course for Upper Elementary

Have you ever stressed about classroom management? ??‍♀️ I have! Each new class comes with so many personalities, and you start out as separate individuals with different needs. How do turn those 20-30 (or more!) people into your well-functioning, learning community? That’s what I’m here to help you with! 

With my experience teaching 3-5 grades at 3 different schools over 11 years, I’ve developed a formula to create a classroom environment you’re excited to be a part of daily. Today, I’m ready to share that with you.

This five day email course comes with picture book recommendations, FREE resources, and an activity to help you kickstart the school year. Once you sign up, you’ll receive a confirmation email. Then, check your inbox over the next five days for your daily lesson. You’ll walk away with the knowledge and tools you need to show off strong classroom management skills.

Are you ready? Click here to get started!

Looking for more classroom management ideas? Check out this section of my blog.

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