The one with an end of the year teaching reflection

The year is almost over. The range of emotions run from some bittersweet sorrow to jumping for joy. We made it! The teachers, the kids, & the parents- go us!
Before I take a much-needed, much-deserved break for the summer, I need to reflect. Why would I do this now when I’m need-to-sleep-for-a-week, end-of-the-year-teacher tired??
Because now is when I have the clearest vision of my year, before I start to have some rose-colored glasses about how everything happened. It’s a good time to figure out what worked, what didn’t, what do I need to remember to tweak, or maybe to completely revamp, things I will need to think about and research this summer. Do I have solutions for everything? Not yet, but I will have somewhere to start when I’m planning for the fall. I’ve got my oldies, but goodies, new keepers, tried but tweak, and start from scratch.
We have only five days left- 3 with kids and 2 teacher days, so I’ve been working on my list. Here’s what I’ve come up with for this year:
Want to reflect? Here’s the template that I used:
Do you reflect at the end of the year? Did you have any new keepers? What are you trying to change for next year?

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