All teachers know that back to school is one of the most hectic, exciting times of the year. We’re buying new supplies, decorating our rooms, and planning for the best school year yet. Buying all of those new things for our classrooms can get expensive, which is why I’ve put together this list of my five favorite back to school freebies!

1. Back to School Name Tent {from The Science Duo}: Instead of making name tags for desks, I started using this name tent a couple years ago. It works well because students have something to work on when they come into the classroom for the first time. I encourage my students to write whatever they want me to call them (in case they go by a nickname or middle name), plus fill out the ice breakers so we can use them to learn about each other. Each year, my students especially love the two truths and a lie part.
2. Community Building Question of the Day: Back to School Edition {from yours truly, Cait’s Cool School}: If you follow me on , you know I love using whiteboard questions daily. This free back to school set is perfect for the first week of school. Start off the year building a classroom community and getting to know your students (in addition to sharing a little bit about yourself!). I love putting a question on the board even the very first day to get my students excited and in the habit of answering our daily question. Update July 2020: Here’s a Google slides version for distance learning!
3. All About My Selfie {from Student Savvy}: This was a fun writing & creative assignment for my students the first week of school. I used it for my ELA sections to have students write a little for me about themselves, and they could also show me their creativity by creating their own “apps” to tell about themselves. 4. Classroom Posters {from Light Bulbs & Laughter}: Buying decor packs can get expensive, which is why I’m in love with these new posters! I love the colors and how bright they are. Perfect easy decorations- they’re offered in color & black/white- I just am a *little* obsessed with my Astrobrights Color Paper

5. Back to School Project Based Learning {from Performing in Education}: If you know anything about April from Performing in Education, you know she is the queen of PBLs. I LOVE using this PBL during the first week of school. It’s designed as a math activity, but I think it can be used in any classroom. While I allow my students to think of different furniture than what we already have in our classroom, I try to get them to think about what’s already there. It’s fun to see what their ideas for a classroom design are. Sometimes I even use their suggestions and do a little rearranging. 😃
What are your favorite free back to school activities? Share in the comments!
My best classroom management activities are all described here- perfect for kickstarting your year!

One more freebie- my first week plans! These will help you plan and be set for five days. It’s better to over plan than under plan, am I right? This set of plans will provide you with more than enough resources!