Category: Classroom Management

Students raising their hands in a classroom while teacher looks out. Text reads The Talking Ball: A solution to calling out in the classroom.

A classroom management solution to calling out

My first year of teaching was extremely stressful. Maybe you can remember that far back, or maybe you’re in the throes of your first year right now. Sometimes you feel like you’ve been thrown into the deep end of the pool, but no one taught you how to swim. If

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Parent and teachers meeting, text: parent communication tips for teachers

The one about parent communication tips for teachers

Before I start to share about parent communication, let me say two things.    1. I’m an introvert. Like extreme.    2. I communicate with children way better than adults. Which is helpful when teaching elementary aged kids but not when you need to make a phone call or set

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Image: person holding apple in one hand and donut in other, Text: Incorporating student choice virtually, engagement made easy

The one about virtual student choice

Student engagement is extremely challenging while virtual. Not only are cameras off, but I’m battling the other internet tabs full of YouTube videos, their siblings’ teachers talking, mom and dad working from home, a barking dog, and their infant sister playing next to them. How do I get my students

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Image: Clipart of a virtual meet with 16 students in grids on a computer screen, text: What can I do now? Seven Ideas for Virtual Early Finishers

The one with virtual Early Finisher Activities

In this new world of teaching, are there even early finishers? What does that look like? How can I implement this idea? For context, my school is completely virtual (right now). We have 4 synchronous learning blocks- math, language arts, science/social studies (alternating weeks), and flex (time to pull small

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The one with virtual classroom community building

Building relationships is a huge part of being a successful teacher. How does this work when I can’t have a community meeting on the carpet? Or I can’t greet my students at the doorway because we have to be socially distant? Or because we’re not even in school? How do

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